London is the home of the Global ServerlessDays movement and this conference has shown the appetite for Serverless is growing here.
In 2017, when we started it was simply called JeffConf, and we managed to get 120 of us crammed into St Johns church in Hoxton in 6 weeks. In just 2 short years, we've moved venue to Imperial College, and are going to be pushing around 350 to 400 people, with some of the best speakers from around the world.
From the responses we've received on our attendee survey, there have been some really interesting statistics:
This is going to be a gathering of some of the brightest and the best serverless minds in the world.
So, the first thing to say, is that we still have tickets! So, if you've got a friend you'd like to bring or a colleague who wants to know more, then they can still come.
Our commitment to keeping the ticket price low continues - it's only £35! We're looking to ensure that everybody who wants to come, has every opportunity to.
We also still have spaces on some of the workshops so if you want to make even better use of your time and learn some amazing new Serverless skills, then you still can!
Well, ok it's only one day, but remember your laptop, your battery pack so you don't need to charge your phone too much, and if you're travelling from abroad, check you've got your passport too!
We're looking forward to seeing you all on Thursday, and we'd like you to have a brilliant day.
If you're not sure about anything on the day, the helpers and organisers on the day will be wearing blue t-shirts, so just find one of us, and ask, and we'll do our best to help you!
It's always worth reminding everyone before they arrive of the Code of Conduct. We want everyone to have a great time, and require agreement with the Code of Conduct from everybody who is there right through from the organisers to the attendees. If you're not sure or haven't read it through yet, the Code of Conduct is here:
We cannot wait to see you all on Thursday at 08:30 at Imperial College for the best day of the ServerlessDays London Year.
The ServerlessDays London Team